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Important Daily Facts of the Day


5 June 2024, Quick Facts of the Day

5 June 2024, Quick Facts of the Day

1.         The Preston curve, proposed by Samuel H. Preston in 1975, illustrates the correlation between life expectancy and per capita income in a country. It demonstrates that richer nations tend to have longer life spans due to better access to healthcare, education, and nutrition. Initially, as a poor country's income rises, life expectancy increases significantly. However, beyond a certain point, the curve flattens out, indicating diminishing returns on life expectancy with further income growth. This relationship applies to various development indicators like infant and maternal mortality rates, education, and healthcare access. For instance, India's rise in per capita income from Rs 9,000 in 1947 to Rs 55,000 in 2011 corresponded with an increase in life expectancy from 32 to 66 years, illustrating this trend.


2.         A recent visit by a Kenyan delegation to India aimed to foster collaboration on wildlife conservation, particularly focusing on the Cheetah Reintroduction Project (Project Cheetah). The delegation proposed a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), outlining cooperation areas such as capacity building, knowledge sharing, and supplying equipment to enhance field patrolling by Kenyan forest rangers. Project Cheetah, initiated in 2022, aims to restore the cheetah population in India, which became extinct in 1952. Phase-1 involves translocating cheetahs from South Africa and Namibia to Kuno National Park, led by NTCA in partnership with the Madhya Pradesh Forest Department and Wildlife Institute of India. Phase-2 considers sourcing cheetahs from Kenya due to similar habitats, with translocation planned to Kuno National Park and Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh.


3.         Recently, the Supreme Court of India has mandated that all advertisers and advertising agencies must submit a 'Self-Declaration Certificate' before publishing or broadcasting any advertisement. This directive, effective from June 18, 2024, aims to ensure transparency, consumer protection, and responsible advertising practices. The certificate ensures compliance with regulatory guidelines, including Rule 7 of the Cable Television Networks (CTN) Rules, 1994, and the Norms of Journalistic Conduct of the Press Council of India. Advertisers are required to submit the certificate, signed by an authorized representative, through the Broadcast Seva Portal for TV/Radio advertisements and the Press Council of India portal for print and digital media advertisements. Proof of uploading the certificate must be provided to the relevant broadcaster, printer, publisher, or electronic media platform for record-keeping.


4.         The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) recently unveiled the Parallel RANS Solver for Aerospace Vehicle Aero-thermo-dynamic Analysis (PraVaHa), a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. PraVaHa is tailored to analyze the aerodynamics and thermodynamics of aerospace vehicles, including launch vehicles and re-entry vehicles, both winged and non-winged. It accurately simulates airflow around these vehicles, calculating forces and heat effects crucial for designing their shape, structure, and Thermal Protection System (TPS). PraVaHa has played a significant role in the Gaganyaan program, particularly in analyzing human-rated launch vehicles like HLVM3, Crew Escape System (CES), and Crew Module (CM). Aerospace vehicles experience severe aerodynamic and aerothermal loads during Earth's atmosphere traversal, which PraVaHa helps predict by solving conservation equations for mass, momentum, energy, and state.


5.         Recently, India assumed the chairmanship of the Colombo Process, a regional grouping established in 2003. Comprising 12 Asian member states, the Colombo Process serves as a consultative forum to facilitate the sharing of best practices related to overseas employment for countries in South and Southeast Asia. Its objectives include sharing experiences, offering practical solutions to issues faced by overseas workers, and optimizing development benefits from organized overseas employment. The Colombo Process decisions are made by consensus and are non-binding. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) provides technical and administrative support, with the Colombo Process Technical Support Unit (CPTSU) based in Sri Lanka. Five thematic priority areas guide its work, including skills recognition, ethical recruitment, pre-departure orientation, remittance transfers, and labor market analysis. Several achievements include regional workshops on ethical recruitment and feasibility studies for Overseas Workers Resource Centers in labor destination countries.


6.         The Indira Gandhi Zoological Park (IGZP) in Visakhapatnam, established in 1977, is a renowned ex-situ facility nestled within the Seethakonda Reserve Forest. Recognized by the Central Zoo Authority, its proximity to Kambalakonda Wildlife Sanctuary facilitates the coexistence of free-ranging animals and birds. Notably, IGZP has achieved success in breeding various species, including striped hyenas, wild dogs, Indian grey wolves, ring-tailed lemurs, Indian bison, and more. The park plays a pivotal role in wildlife conservation efforts in India. Asiatic wild dogs, or Dholes, historically widespread across southern Russia to southeast Asia, now mainly inhabit south and southeast Asia. Classified as Endangered by the IUCN, they face threats such as habitat loss and human-wildlife conflict. Striped hyenas, smaller and less social than Spotted hyenas, confront similar challenges. Despite being Near Threatened, they receive protection under Schedule I of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.