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Important Daily Facts of the Day


4 June 2024, Quick Facts of the Day

4 June 2024, Quick Facts of the Day

1.         OPEC+ decided to extend significant oil output cuts through 2025, surpassing market expectations to support prices amid sluggish demand, high interest rates, and increasing US production. According to its official website, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), established at the 1960 Baghdad Conference, is a permanent intergovernmental organisation with 12 member countries. Its headquarters is in the Austrian capital Vienna. OPEC member states produce about 40% of the world’s oil, and their exports comprise around 60% of the global petroleum trade. Before OPEC was formed, the international oil market was dominated by the “seven sisters” group of multinational energy companies.


2.         Researchers have developed a method to identify infected cells by observing how they distort light. They tracked these distortions over time to mimic a progressing infection and compared them to healthy cells, identifying a unique 'fingerprint' for virus-infected cells. Researchers infected pig testicle cells with the pseudorabies virus, shone light through them, and observed distinct diffraction patterns based on contrast and texture. Diffraction refers to light waves spreading out after passing through narrow openings or around objects, creating patterns of light and dark stripes. The light-based technique detects infections in about two hours, costing a tenth of the required for traditional 40-hour chemical reagent methods, and avoids reagent-related delays and supply chain issues.


3.         Recent scientific analysis has revealed that Venus is more volcanically active than previously known. Active volcanic flows have been detected at 2 sites named the Eistla Regio region, which includes the Sif Mons volcano, and the expansive volcanic plain of Niobe Planitia. Earlier its erupting was detected in the 1990s. Also, a volcanic vent on Maat Mons in a region called Atla Regio, near the equator has expanded and changed shape. These along with additional evidence such as atmospheric sulfur dioxide variations, surface thermal emissions data, confirm volcanic activity on the planet.


4.         Recently, the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bengaluru, has been conferred the prestigious Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion by the World Health Organization (WHO) for the year 2024. It showcases the country's commitment to addressing mental health challenges and ensuring accessible mental health services for all. India has made significant progress in mental health with the establishment of a tele-mental health helpline (Tele MANAS) and Mental Health Units in almost all districts through the National Health Mission.


5.         Recently, the Prime Minister announced his plan to visit and meditate at the Vivekananda Rock Memorial in Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu marking the culmination of the Lok Sabha election campaign. In 1892, Swami Vivekananda was said to have swum to the rock from the shores of Kanyakumari for meditation. He spent three days and nights there, resulting in his enlightenment. Swami Vivekananda's letter to Swami Ramkrishnananda in 1894 suggests that his core philosophy crystallised after meditation at the Dhyan Mandapam on the rock.