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Important Editorial Summary for UPSC Exam


Continued Elaboration on Hindu Kush Himalayas Snow Update (GS Paper 1, Geography)

Continued Elaboration on Hindu Kush Himalayas Snow Update (GS Paper 1, Geography)


  • The Hindu Kush Himalayas (HKH) are critical to the water supply of millions across Asia, with their snow-covered peaks serving as reservoirs that release water through snowmelt.
  • Recent observations from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) indicate concerning trends in snow persistence across key river basins, impacting water availability and ecosystem stability in the region.


Challenges and Implications

Record Low Snow Persistence:

  • The 2024 HKH snow update reveals unprecedented reductions in snow persistence, particularly in the Ganga, Brahmaputra, and Indus river basins.
  • Decreased snow cover in these basins, critical for agriculture and freshwater availability, poses significant challenges to water security.


Climate Change Impacts:

  • Global warming has disrupted traditional weather patterns, weakening western disturbances crucial for winter precipitation in the HKH region.
  • Intensified La Niña–El Niño cycles have exacerbated weather unpredictability, further diminishing snowfall and snow accumulation.


Regional Variances:

  • While some areas like the Yellow River basin in China experienced above-average snow persistence due to specific atmospheric interactions, others like the Amu Darya and Helmand river basins recorded alarming declines.
  • These variations underscore the complex interplay of local and global climate factors affecting snow dynamics in the HKH region.


Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

Ecosystem Restoration and Land Management:

  • Prioritize reforestation efforts and land restoration practices that enhance soil moisture retention and mitigate rapid snowmelt.
  • Promote sustainable land management practices to preserve natural habitats and enhance resilience to climate impacts.


Enhanced Monitoring and Forecasting:

  • Invest in advanced meteorological technologies and satellite monitoring systems to improve early warning capabilities for extreme weather events.
  • Strengthen regional meteorological networks to facilitate timely responses to climate variability and water resource management.


Water Infrastructure Development:

  • Upgrade water storage and distribution infrastructure to optimize the utilization of available water resources.
  • Implement adaptive water management strategies that incorporate seasonal variability in snowmelt and precipitation patterns.


Community Engagement and Policy Initiatives:

  • Engage local communities in water resource management and climate adaptation planning, ensuring inclusive decision-making processes.
  • Formulate and enforce policies that protect snow-receiving areas and promote sustainable practices in agriculture, urban planning, and infrastructure development.



  • The findings of the 2024 HKH snow update underscore the urgency of addressing climate change impacts on snow persistence and water availability in Asia.
  • Effective mitigation and adaptation strategies, coupled with regional cooperation and community involvement, are essential to safeguarding the livelihoods of millions dependent on HKH water resources.
  • Continued scientific research, policy innovation, and international collaboration will be crucial in building resilience and ensuring sustainable water management practices in the face of evolving climate challenges.