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Important Editorial Summary for UPSC Exam


This Century, Heatwaves Are Moving Slower and Lasting Longer (GS Paper 3, Environment)

This Century, Heatwaves Are Moving Slower and Lasting Longer (GS Paper 3, Environment)


  • In recent years, the frequency and intensity of heatwaves have become increasingly apparent, posing significant challenges to human health, agriculture, and ecosystems.
  • However, a recent study published in Science Advances has shed new light on the evolving nature of heatwaves, revealing that they are not only becoming more frequent and intense but also moving slower and lasting longer.
  • This phenomenon, observed globally, underscores the complex dynamics of climate change and its profound impacts on extreme weather events.


Temperature and Circulation:

  • Heatwaves, characterized by prolonged periods of excessively high temperatures, have dire consequences, including increased risks of wildfires, crop failures, and heat-related illnesses.
  • The study, spanning from 1979 to 2020, analyzed temperature data from around the world, uncovering a disturbing trend: heatwaves are decelerating in their movement and extending in duration.
  • On average, heatwaves have slowed by nearly 8 km/day each decade and lengthened by approximately four days.
  • These changes are particularly pronounced in regions like North America and Eurasia, highlighting the global nature of the phenomenon.


The Heat Moves:

  • Unlike previous studies that primarily focused on the frequency and intensity of heatwaves, this research delved into their movement over space and time.
  • By classifying contiguous heatwaves based on their size and duration, scientists tracked the propagation of large masses of hot air across the globe.
  • This approach provided valuable insights into the behavior of heatwaves beyond their mere occurrence, revealing patterns of movement that contribute to their prolonged impact on affected regions.


The Guiding Hand Falters:

  • An examination of upper atmospheric circulation patterns uncovered a significant factor contributing to the sluggish movement of heatwaves: the weakening of the jet stream.
  • The jet stream, a fast-flowing air current high up in the troposphere, plays a crucial role in guiding atmospheric waves that influence surface temperatures.
  • As the jet stream weakens, these atmospheric waves slow down, leading to more persistent weather patterns and prolonged heatwaves.
  • While natural climate variability and events also influence heatwave dynamics, human activities and greenhouse gas emissions have emerged as dominant factors in altering atmospheric circulation patterns, exacerbating the trend of slower-moving and longer-lasting heatwaves.


Way Forward:

  • To mitigate the impacts of changing heatwaves, especially in densely populated urban areas, proactive measures such as planting more trees and enhancing green infrastructure are crucial.
  • These strategies can help mitigate the effects of extreme heat and contribute to climate resilience.
  • Additionally, this study serves as another stark reminder of the far-reaching consequences of climate change on daily life, health, and the environment.
  • Urgent action is needed to address the root causes of climate change and adapt to its impacts, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.



  • In conclusion, the evolving nature of heatwaves underscores the urgency of addressing climate change and implementing adaptive measures to mitigate their impacts.
  • Through collaborative efforts and informed decision-making, societies can build resilience and confront the challenges posed by increasingly extreme weather events.