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Important Editorial Summary for UPSC Exam


Putin and Xi: Strengthening Russo-Chinese Relations in the 21st Century (GS Paper 2, IR)

Putin and Xi: Strengthening Russo-Chinese Relations in the 21st Century (GS Paper 2, IR)


  • The recent meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing underscores the deepening convergence of strategic interests between the two nations.
  • Since Putin's ascension to power in 2000, he has consistently sought to bolster ties with China, even as he navigated relations with the West. Similarly, Xi Jinping, since assuming leadership in China, has prioritized challenging US primacy in Asia and fostering a strong partnership with Russia.


Surprising the World with Sino-Russian Bonhomie

  • The growing closeness between Russia and China has surprised Western observers who previously doubted their ability to align due to competing regional interests and economic engagements with the West.
  • However, Putin and Xi have demonstrated their willingness to set aside differences and forge a new axis aimed at challenging Western dominance.
  • Their recent summit emphasized political coordination and mutual support on key national priorities, such as Ukraine for Russia and Taiwan for China.


Countering the US-Led World Order

  • Putin and Xi have openly criticized US interventions in Europe and efforts to build new coalitions, such as the Quadrilateral Forum.
  • They advocate for a "multipolar world" and seek to counter American hegemony in international finance.
  • Despite US pressure on China to limit cooperation with Russia, Xi's embrace of Putin signals a defiance against Washington's influence.


Reevaluating India's Strategic Assumptions

  • India, like many Western nations, had assumed that Moscow and Beijing would maintain limited collaboration.
  • However, Putin's increasing reliance on China, particularly after strained relations with the West due to the Ukraine conflict, challenges this assumption.
  • India must reconsider its approach, recognizing China's dominance in the Sino-Russian partnership.
  • Concerns arise regarding Putin's support for China's positions in the Indo-Pacific, potentially undermining India's efforts to build a 'multipolar Asia' and exacerbating security vulnerabilities vis-a-vis China.


Conclusion: Navigating Evolving Power Dynamics

  • As Russia and China solidify their alliance, India faces heightened security challenges and must adapt its strategies accordingly.
  • A proactive and nuanced approach is necessary for India to safeguard its interests amidst shifting global dynamics.
  • This entails reassessing relationships with both Russia and China and actively engaging in diplomatic efforts to maintain regional stability and security.