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Daily Current Affairs for UPSC Exam


Navigating Challenges in the Indian Poultry Sector (GS Paper 3, Economy)

Navigating Challenges in the Indian Poultry Sector (GS Paper 3, Economy)

Current Situation

  • The recent outbreak of H5N1 has shed light on vulnerabilities within India's poultry industry, prompting a call for comprehensive reforms in animal welfare standards.


Challenges Faced

1. Disease Outbreaks and Biosecurity

  • Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease pose grave threats, necessitating bird culling and disrupting markets.
  • Inadequate biosecurity measures exacerbate disease spread, particularly in densely populated farm and market environments.


2. Market Fluctuations and Price Volatility

  • Fluctuating feed prices and consumer demand during disease outbreaks disrupt production costs and market stability.


3. Infrastructure and Supply Chain Challenges

  • Limited cold chain infrastructure results in spoilage and wastage, while an unorganized supply chain raises transaction costs and impedes product movement.


4. Policy and Regulatory Issues

  • Fragmented regulations and limited access to credit hinder industry modernization and growth efforts.
  • Labour shortages and environmental concerns further complicate sustainable development.


Existing Provisions

1. Status of Poultry Birds

  • India boasts a substantial poultry population, with significant contributions from small and marginal farmers.


2. Legal Status and Guidelines

  • Recent guidelines categorize poultry farmers based on flock size and mandate regulatory approvals for medium-sized farms.
  • Existing laws address animal welfare and pollution control but require stronger enforcement.


Initiatives for Industry Support

1. Poultry Venture Capital Fund (PVCF) and National Livestock Mission (NLM)

  • Provide financial support and assistance for disease control and productivity enhancement.


2. Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases (ASCAD) Scheme

  • Focuses on disease control and containment efforts.


Proposed Steps for Improvement

1. Focus on Biosecurity

  • Implement compartmentalization and vaccination programs to curb disease spread.
  • Encourage adoption of advanced feeding and environmental monitoring technologies.


2. Strengthen Supply Chain and Regulations

  • Promote contract farming and invest in cold chain infrastructure to enhance efficiency and reduce wastage.
  • Streamline regulations and improve access to credit for industry players.



  • Through concerted efforts to address challenges and implement strategic initiatives, the Indian poultry industry can achieve sustainable growth, bolster biosecurity measures, and enhance competitiveness on the global stage.