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Important Editorial Summary for UPSC Exam


Freshwater Quest: The Emerging Global Challenge (GS Paper 3, Environment)

Freshwater Quest: The Emerging Global Challenge (GS Paper 3, Environment)


  • As freshwater becomes an increasingly scarce resource, nations are turning their attention to exploring and exploiting freshwater reservoirs above and below the ocean bed, within their maritime zones.
  • With only a small fraction of freshwater accessible on the surface, the search for new freshwater sources is becoming a pressing concern for many countries.


Legal Framework and UNCLOS

  • The United Nations Law of the Sea Convention (UNCLOS) provides the legal framework for governing oceanic resources.
  • However, customary international law remains a significant source of maritime law.
  • While UNCLOS supersedes previous conventions on the law of the sea, non-signatory states may not recognize its provisions, leading to complexities in jurisdictional matters.


Exploration Beyond Exclusive Economic Zones

  • Countries may expand their exploration efforts beyond their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) into the "Area" defined by UNCLOS.
  • This vast expanse, beyond national jurisdiction, is considered the common heritage of mankind, available for the benefit of all nations and future generations.


Emerging Challenges and Opportunities

  • The depletion of freshwater resources is leading to concerns about future conflicts over water access and territorial expansion.
  • As freshwater becomes scarcer, the exploration and extraction of freshwater from the "Area" under UNCLOS may become a viable solution.
  • Just as oil wells are explored and capped for future use, freshwater wells could be identified and preserved for future generations.


International Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals

  • Addressing the challenges of freshwater scarcity requires international cooperation and legislative reforms.
  • Developing a non-controversial legislative framework to govern exploratory activities for freshwater extraction from the "Area" should be a priority for the international community.
  • India, with its commitment to Sustainable Development Goals, could play a leading role in facilitating this process.


Conclusion: A Global Imperative

  • In a world where freshwater is becoming increasingly scarce, the quest for new freshwater sources is a global imperative.
  • Rather than focusing solely on extraterrestrial exploration, addressing the challenges of freshwater scarcity on Earth should be a priority.
  • By working together to develop sustainable solutions and legislative frameworks, nations can ensure equitable access to freshwater resources for future generations.